Sketch Book - Pencil & Paper

Sketch Book - Pencil & Paper
Sketched Dog for Trekking Notary Blog.

Here are some sketched items that I had easily on hand. I have thousands. Over 30 years of drawing. I started drawing over 30 years ago. My earliest memory of drawing was an apple tree I was four. I'm 38 now. My biological father had bought me crayons. I was wearing really shiny shoes with little straps and really ruffly socks that were folded down. The only colors I remember in my memory are the red apples and the green bush that was a tree.

I draw almost all of my assets. Lately with the pick up in AI being integrated in everything it feels like a waste of time drawing.

This is messy but most of the drawing here will be. It's right out of the sketchbook. I'll be adding more to these.