A Walk in the Woods - Watercolor Painting by Meelie | Meelie.art

A Walk in the Woods - Watercolor Painting by Meelie | Meelie.art
Watercolor painting of woods and purple flowers

To begin, I used masking fluid to preserve areas that I wanted to keep white. Mainly areas that would have highlights. I waited to that to dry. I wet the page so the colors would bleed softly. Using wide strokes, I quickly applied a hazy wash of deep purple and green tones, leaving deliberate white areas blank to represent beams of light.

As I awaited the first layer drying, I visualized bringing the woods to life - dappled sunlight illuminating texture and color, birdsong and earthy aromas soothing the mind, worries fading on a winding path under the canopy.

Once dry, I added emerging details - noble trees, vivid flowers, the dirt path. I painted the trees last, carefully masking off light-filled areas. For the foreground, I dropped in deep violets, softening edges with clear water.

I stepped back occasionally for balance. Finally, I added texture by adding white gel pen and a strokes by a black faber castel fine point pen. Though imperfect, losing myself in recreating this landscape renewed my passion for watercolors, the journey being the reward.

Tips for Painting Enchanted Forests

  • Wet the paper before starting
  • Build up layers of rich, vivid hues
  • Mask off light shapes before adding trees
  • Soften edges between lights and shadows
  • Splatter paint to create texture
  • Paint dappled light filtering through leaves
  • Embrace the joy of creating

A Walk in the Purple Woods

The forest dons its violet robe
Where mysteries abound

With soft strokes, the colors unite
Woods glow in amethyst light

Lavender hues calm the restless eyes
A painting of peace for the mind to find
Wildflowers blossom like dreams never gone
Though times of uncertainty come along

Bright spots shine like lamps in the violet quilt

Glimmers of hope that the darkness won't wilt
Tree silhouettes stretch weary limbs
As the forest's peace their branches brims

Let this scene soothe restless eyes

Beyond the leaves, your vision lies
Where dreams and truth harmonize
And creativity freely flies

Look upward when restless

Wonders and beauty to behold

Endless magic in the woods to explore
Always more to unfold